Git Rebase: why you should use it

While working with Git version control system you have quite freedom about how you work with commits and branches. But there are universal practices you should know to keep your repository clean. How rebase can help you with this? ...

26 February 2024 · 4 min · Grzegorz Korba

Final word about `unfinalize`

Recently I’ve created pull request to #PHP-CS-Fixer that aimed to prevent installing stevebauman/unfinalize along with friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer, effectively blocking Fixer to be installed as a dev dependency for that tool. That escalated quickly 😅! ...

4 October 2023 · 10 min · Grzegorz Korba

Dockerfile: runtime definition

A Dockerfile is to a project what sheet music is to a song - it ensures that the same operations are always performed, in the same order, with the same result. ...

28 February 2023 · 12 min · Grzegorz Korba

Docker for local development

Docker has been in the developers’ world for years, but for many people it is still something remote and enigmatic. In a series of posts, I would like to introduce both theory and practice - you will find out how Docker can help you in your daily work, how to prepare an environment based on Docker and how to use this environment. ...

23 January 2023 · 6 min · Grzegorz Korba

Organising work in GitHub and Gitlab

In everyday work with code, it is important not to waste time on operational matters. However, how not to get lost in your and other people’s reports and contributions? How do you know what to look at? How not to miss anything? Both GitHub and Gitlab have their own activity monitoring mechanisms - let’s take a look at them! ...

5 December 2022 · 16 min · Grzegorz Korba

Saeghe: new package manager for PHP

Today, I came across Saeghe — new package manager for PHP. Official site describes it as “modern PHP package manager that boosts your code”, let’s check it out! ...

3 November 2022 · 9 min · Grzegorz Korba

Composer: binary-only Docker images

Few months ago I came with an idea to build Composer’s Docker images, but containing only binary file. Yesterday my pull request was merged, and now it’s possible to use such images in your own Docker builds as the simplest way to get Composer binary in your own image! 😁 ...

1 November 2022 · 4 min · Grzegorz Korba

Drawbacks behind Laravel Facades

There were many discussions if #Laravel’s facades implement Gang of Four’s Facade Pattern, but I think it does not matter at this point - the Laravel team won’t change naming convention anyway. Naming is not a problem, I see other issues with facades - let’s look at it! ...

24 August 2022 · 5 min · Grzegorz Korba

New in 🐘 PHP 8.2

PHP 8.2 is set to be released at the end of 2022, but final date will be announced at some point in the future. In this post I will evaluate all the features, improvements and deprecations. I’ll try to keep this article up-to-date with RFCs that will be accepted after publishing. ...

27 May 2022 · 16 min · Grzegorz Korba

Code Review: good practices

What makes Code Review process good? What should you do, and what you should not? Let me share with you my experience on this 🙂 ...

9 July 2022 · 9 min · Grzegorz Korba